Category: Electrical Services

How to Put Out an Electrical Fire

Important: Electrical fire can be dangerous and deadly. This website and blog are for informational and educational purposes only. Call 911 ASAP, if the fire is out of your control.  An electrical fire is one of the most dangerous types of fire. It can start with something as simple as a faulty wire or an


Lights Out but Circuit Breaker Not Tripped?

When you can’t figure out why some of your lights are out, dim, or flickering, it can be annoying and maybe even dangerous. If you checked your circuit breaker and are still in the dark, then there are a few other steps you can take before calling the professionals. Problems You Might Solve by Yourself


Broken Breaker Solutions

Nothing is as frustrating as your breaker tripping and shutting off the game in the last 30 seconds of overtime. And if this happens regularly, it is not only frustrating but potentially dangerous. But don’t worry - start by turning off all your appliances and following Titan’s simple solutions for complex problems to help restore