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How Do You Know If You Need a Water Softener?

Hard water buildup is one of the main causes of plumbing issues. Other problems that are often caused by hard water include dry skin, dull hair, and spotty dishes. If you're experiencing any of these issues, it's time to consider installing a water softener.

How Do You Know If You Need a Water Softener

There are many types of water softeners on the market. Generally, they are affordable and easy to install and use. This is an easy solution that can make a big difference in your home.

At Titan Plumbing And Electric, we offer a variety of water softener options to meet your needs. We'll help you choose the perfect model for your home and install it quickly and efficiently. Give us a call today to learn more!

What Causes a Build up of Hard Water?

Have you seen the white crystalline buildup on your faucets or in your shower? That’s called limescale, and it’s one of the effects of hard water. As water flows through limestone deposits, it dissolves calcium and magnesium—two minerals that contribute to water hardness.

Hard water contains a high quantity of minerals. Calcium and magnesium are the two main minerals that are found in hard water. When these minerals are dissolved in water, they can create a number of problems.

Why Do You Need a Water Softener?

The US Geological Survey (USGS) provides this water hardness scale:

  • Soft water contains 0 to 60mg per liter of calcium carbonate
  • Moderately hard water contains 61 to 120mg per liter of calcium carbonate
  • Hard water contains 121 to 180mg per liter of calcium carbonate
  • Very hard water contains more than 180mg of calcium carbonate

You might be surprised at the number of homes with hard and very hard water. Although this varies according to location and season. The Spring snowmelt months are typically when the water hardness is at its lowest.

The mineral in hard water builds up on your kettles, dishwashers, washing machines, showers, boilers, taps, and other water using appliances in your home. This can damage your appliances and cause them to work less efficiently. It can also lead to limescale deposits in your pipes, which can reduce water flow and lead to plumbing issues.

Don't wait until hard water has caused some of your appliances to break down before investing in a water softener. A water softener can help to protect your appliances and plumbing by reducing the amount of minerals in your water. This will extend the life of your appliances and prevent costly repairs.

Although the high calcium and magnesium in hard water is not known to be responsible for any health conditions, it can result in various problems around your home;

  • Higher energy bills because hard water requires more energy to heat and makes appliances work harder
  • Dull, lifeless hair
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Color loss in clothes
  • Spotty dishes and glassware

When you install a water softener, it will:

  • Protect your plumbing by reducing the buildup of limescale
  • Make cleaning easier by preventing the buildup of soap scum
  • Help your appliances to run more efficiently
  • Reduce your soap/detergent use
  • Leave your hair and skin feeling softer and healthier
  • Make your clothes brighter and last longer

How Do You Know if You Have Hard or Soft Water?

You can carry out a simple test at home to determine if you have hard water:

  • Get a clean, clear and empty bottle
  • Fill it up to a third with water from one of your taps
  • Add some drops of liquid soap
  • Tighten the cap and shake it forcefully for a few seconds
  • If the water appears cloudy with only a few bubbles, you have hard water
  • You have soft water if there are many bubbles and the water under them is clear

If you want to know the exact type of hard water you have, you'll require more advanced tests that will involve the use of test strips.

What Type of Water Softener is Right For You?

Water softeners are also known as descalers. They use salts to remove the minerals from your water, making it softer. Water softeners can be mechanical or packaged systems.

Mechanical water softeners are units that are installed in your home. They are durable and affordable and work by ion exchange. They replace the calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions.

There are systems that can separate your home into an area where they provide soft water in one area and leave the rest with hard water.

Does a Water Softener Affect Drinking Water?

The water that flows into the taps in most cities is safe to drink. A water softener may add a bit of sodium to your drinking water but this is usually a small amount and not enough to pose any health risks. Some foods have a higher sodium content than these water softeners.

People who are on a low-sodium diet should check with their doctor before using a water softener. Everyone else can safely drink water that has been softened without any health concerns.

Can You Install a Water Softener With a Septic Tank?

When a high-quality water softener is properly installed, it will not affect your septic tank. The sodium in the water your softener releases into the septic tank is not enough to negatively affect the performance of either system.

You should make sure you pick the ideal water softener for your home and have it installed by a professional contractor.

Signs You Require a Water Softener

There are a few signs that you need a water softener in your home:

  • Your clothes fade quickly
  • Rising energy bills
  • You have to use more soap/detergent than normal to get suds
  • Your dishes have spots even after they've been through the dishwasher
  • You're noticing mineral buildup around your fixtures
  • Regular plumbing problems
  • Scale buildup in your appliances

If you notice any of these signs, it's time to install a water softener in your home. A water softener takes care of these problems. It will extend the life of your appliances and improve the quality of your water. It will also protect your clothes and dishes from damage and lower your energy bills.

Installing a water softener is a great way to improve the quality of your life. It's an investment that will pay for itself many times over. Contact a local plumbing company to find out more about water softeners and have one installed in your home today.

Do You Need to Install a Water Softener in Your Home?

Water softeners are an effective way to reduce the hardness of your water. They can save you money by extending the life of your appliances and plumbing. Soft water also leaves your hair and skin feeling softer and healthier. If you think you might benefit from a water softener, contact Titan Plumbing And Electric today at (813) 680-2075.